Nguyen de Sousa


Nguyen de Sousa, the mayor of Nueva Vizcaya, and former chief of the army staff, Omar Santos, are also the chairmen of the country’s security council.

“The plan was to take charge and lead a successful revolution in the Philippines,” said Nueva Vizcaya mayor Rodrigo Bayliss, who is helping lead the peace council. “But I guess God gave us a good president who understood the need for dialogue and reconciliation,” his statement continued.

The war has left 20 million people dead and millions more displaced, some by forced displacement. The US military has admitted that between 200,000-300,000 people remain displaced or have fled to neighbouring countries due to the fighting.

Last Update: Wednesday, 30 March 2016 KSA 08:43 – GMT 05:43

©2016 MediaVentures

TRT World and Agencies, Israel Business News, Jerusalem

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Nguyen de Sousa

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